Robin E. Lawrason

I am pleased to announce that our new NEALL Executive Officers will be taking their place at the upcoming NEALL '98 Conference at Skidmore College. The Officers will be:

President [a two year office replacing vacant President's position]:
Wendy Baker Davis, Franklin and Marshall College.

Vice President/President Elect [two year office as VP followed by two more years as President when next Vice President will be elected]:
Michael Jones, Swarthmore College.

Secretary/Treasurer [two year office]
MaryBeth Barth, Hamilton College

In addition, the change in name as reflected in the new masthead was approved and we are now the NorthEast Association for Language Learning Technology. We are still NEALL as we claim a silent "T" in our acronym.

This will be my last column as NEALL President. I am also happy to announce that the NEALL '98 Conference will be my last professional duty before retirement at the end of May. I have decided to leave Temple after 24 years here and 34 years in education . Together with my partner of 25 years, Jim Lloyd, I will be moving to Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico where we will build a home on Lake Chapala. We will be just 35 minutes from the airport at Guadalajara and hope to have many of you come to visit us there.

I will take with me many happy memories of my work over the years with both IALL as Business Manager and with NEALL as President back in its early days and again the last four years. I know I leave it in strong hands with a new generation of leadership.

Many thanks to you all for your support and participation over these years. The times ahead are exciting and challenging for all in language learning technologies as new options open for new approaches and ways to learn.

Adios, amigos!

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