Saturday, April 10
- 8:30 am
Gannett Lobby in Palamountain Hall |
Registration & continental breakfast |
- 8:45
Davis Auditorium |
- Associate Dean Patricia Rubio
- Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl, Yale University, NEALLT President
- Peggy Sharkey, WSWHE BOCES Language and Culture Resource Center
8:45 - 9:30
Davis Auditorium
Claire Bradin Siskin, Director of the ESL Workshop Project at Excelsior College.
"Learning Globally through Disruptive Technologies"
Web 2.0 technologies are often referred to as "disruptive," but do we really need more disruption in education? Don't we have enough problems as it is? Although Web 2.0 can enrich the ways in which we teach and learn languages, fundamental changes in the "normal" order of things may be involved in the process. How can we decide which Web 2.0 tools to use and how to use them to best advantage? Will it really be worth all the trouble? The presenter will offer some suggestions for handling the inevitable disruption.
Session 1
10:00 - 10:45
Bolton 382 |
"Web 2.0 Foreign Language Proficiency Assessments," Dan Nikolai, Saint Louis University
Bolton 280 |
"El uso de rúbricas en la evaluación de un portafolio de cultura," Ame Cividanes & Sebastian Diaz, Yale University
Harder 108
"Photostory," Birgit Deir, Nazareth College
Session 2
11:00 - 11:45
Bolton 380 |
"Outils de recherche pour le monde francophone," Cindy Evans, Skidmore College
Bolton 280 |
"More than the sum of its parts: A Case-Study of Wikis for Collaborative Language Learning," Natalie Magnatta, University of New Hampshire
Bolton 281 |
"A Web-based Korean Dictation Practice Program," Angela Lee-Smith, Yale University |
noon - 1:30
Murray-Aikins Dining Hall
Lunch (included in registration) & Exhibits
Session 3
1:30 - 2:15
Bolton 382 |
"Social networking communities: Identity and relationship development," Nicole Mills, University of Pennsylvania
Session 4
2:30 - 3:15
Bolton 382 |
"e-Textbooks in the Language Center: Promise or peril?" Eduardo Lage-Otero, Trinity College
Session 5
3:30 - 4:15
Bolton 382
Davis Auditorium |
"ISLET Project: developing a comprehensive approach to longitudinal assessment of language development," Scott Payne & Tony Beld, Amherst College and the Academic Consortium for Global Education. Remote presentation.
Tour of the Foreign Language Resource Center, Bolton 380-381 |