Motivating Students with Media, Games, and Style


@ Gettysburg College


Friday, March 18

2:00-4:00 pm

Language Center

Breidenbaugh 103

OPTIONAL Workshop ... please sign up with registration if interested.

Video Essays - a flexible vehicle for Student Analysis of Media Content - Michael Jones, Swarthmore College

We were challenged by Swarthmore Faculty who were looking for a vehicle to have their students do Video Essays, instead of digital story, or film projects we had typically done. We were looking for a program that would provide a creative canvas for students that we could teach in 15 - 20 minutes of classtime. Something intuitive that puts the focus on content, not technology. We've found Camtasia, more typically used for screencasting, a versatile tool that allows students to interpret and analyze Media in Film and Content courses.

I'll talk about the platform, show examples of what students have produced for various classes and run through the hands on session we typically do for classes. You'll have time to play with a demo version of the software.

6:00 – 8:00

Gettysburg Hotel


Saturday, March 19

8:00 – 8:45



9:00 – 9:15




Betsy Lavolette, Gettysburg College
Marc Siskin, NEALLT President, Carnegie Mellon University

9:15 – 9:30





9:30 -10:00

Breidenbaugh 112

Ian Sullivan & Wijnie de Groot
Columbia University

Wikiotics: an open education tool to enable building and sharing rich media materials across distance and language

Wikiotics is a free online tool that helps instructors build interactive and multimedia language practice resources. All materials are built as Open Educational Resources (OER) and the site is designed to make collaborative building and reuse of those materials as easy as possible, whether you are having friends in a distant country add audio recordings to your podcast lesson or adapting a Dutch picture choice lesson to teach Swedish or Polish instead.

Wikiotics is free and open source software built by a dedicated non-profit and all services are provided free of cost. The project aims to empower instructors to build media-rich and interactive resources that fit their course material and pedagogical approach. We will demonstrate the types of lessons that can be created with Wikiotics and explore some of the ways it is currently being used in the LCTL community at Columbia University with practical applications from the Dutch-language classroom.

Breidenbaugh 103

Mélanie Péron
University of Pennsylvania

Don't write on walls! - A short-term study abroad project

Immersion is what makes study abroad special. After all, linguistic and cultural immersions are what we artificially try to recreate in our on-campus classrooms. Yet, participants often feel like bystanders, disconnected from the real life taking place around them.

The presenter will share a writing project using blogs, social media and old-fashioned posters which aimed at turning students into active actors on the local scene. Through the intercultural dialogue woven between the students and the city emerged a new definition of being a local. While the city realized how foreigners can enrich the local history, the students realized that they were locals as well, not just tourists.


10:05 - 10:35

Breidenbaugh 112

Flaminia Cervesi
Cornell University

Italian Food Culture 2.0: Using Technology to Spice Up a Conversation Course

Web-based technology can be used to enrich content-based language courses. This presentation will illustrate ways in which the Internet can be used to expand student learning, using a recently developed course, Italian Food Culture, as a model. This presentation will explore how Zaption, a new technology that turns online videos into interactive learning experiences, can be used alongside Youtube videos to deepen student understanding of the language. The presentation will also discuss the use of Italian websites as research platforms to expand students’ navigational skills of foreign language material, as well as the use of Google Sites as the primary tool to create students’ final projects. In Italian Food Culture, students prepare promotional material for a food and beverage festival by creating a Google site that is accessible to everyone in the course section.

Breidenbaugh 103

Chantal Philippon-Daniel
University of Pennsylvania

Engaging Students through Television News, Authentic Cultural Products and CMC

Two of the challenges of teaching students in “bridging courses” are selecting intellectual content and developing meaningful activities that simultaneously engage students and help them develop language skills and cultural competencies. While the Web provides a vast array of language- and culture-oriented resources that can enrich the L2 classroom, it can also be overwhelming for learners and teachers. My presentation is about a well-defined and manageable set of computer-mediated activities drawing on the Web that promote intercultural knowledge, cultural-critical thinking and communicative proficiency in French. Specifically, I will speak about how I use digital media (France 2 news reports), threaded discussions, webquests and video blogs in Advanced French Conversation and Composition. Student feedback clearly shows that these strategies, techniques and frameworks are highly engaging for students and are perceived as particularly useful.

Keywords: Scaffolding, learning strategies, interactive communication, current events, understanding, cross-cultural literacy, global engagement, world-readiness standards.

Breidenbaugh 107

Angelina Craig-Flórez & Aurora Rodríguez-Collado
Columbia University

Blended learning in practice: Student-generated iBooks as final projects and the incorporation of mobile technologies in the face-to-face classroom.

The presentation will showcase the redesigned final project: Student-generated iBook, adopted in the Advanced Language in Content course: Spain in its Art as well as examples of the use of mobile technologies in the face-to-face classroom. We will look at how the project was scaffold, how the iBook Author software was introduced to students, how both individual and collaborative work were evaluated, the impact of the project on students’ language learning skills, and the results of a final student assessment of the project. For further details on the award-winning project please refer to the following interview.



10:55 – 11:25

Breidenbaugh 112

Dr. Susan Bangs
Harrisburg Area Community College

The Role of Kindness in Online Pedagogy :The Importance of the Affective Domain

In online education, we often focus on different aspects of technology to enhance learning. the creation of an affective domain that facilitates rather than negates learning is never mentioned. this presentation hopes to open the discussion on this topic.

Breidenbaugh 103

Dr. Jacqueline Dougherty
University of Pennsylvania

Using Annotation Studio and Googledocs to Enhance Individual and Collaborative Engagement in Content and Bridge Courses

Picture it: The first day of an introductory French and Francophone literature class. The apprehension in the air is nearly palpable. Students fear that, in a stark difference from their highly collaborative and engaging language courses, this time, they’re on their own. Perhaps some anticipate the dreaded instructor-centered, “boring” lecture-heavy format and requisite furious note-taking of the stereotypical literature class. Others might find themselves far from their comfort zone, and quite simply daunted by the syllabus, reading list and course requirements. Fortunately, recent technological applications allow us to dispel those myths, to transform the literature classroom and most importantly, to enrich our students’ initial encounters with content-bases courses. This presentation will highlight various implementations, advantages and best practices of Annotation Studio and Googledocs to establish, maintain, and reinforce individual both the asynchronous and synchronous collaborative learning experience as students advance beyond the foreign language classroom.

Breidenbaugh 107

David Malinowski & Steve Welsh
Yale University & Columbia University

Preventing Missed Connections: Findings from the Shared Language Classroom

As well-intentioned as teachers may be in introducing new classroom technologies to foster collaboration inside and outside of class (e.g. a/synchronous online discussion tools), these technologies can easily have the reverse effect of creating distance between students, the teacher, and the learning objectives if not introduced and implemented with care (Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W., 2000). On the other hand, students’ investment in both the learning processes and classroom as community may be greatly enhanced if they believe themselves to have personal and procedural control over areas of the media, tools, and infrastructure that constitute the technology-enhanced classroom learning environment. In this presentation, examples of both are illustrated with reference to findings from an ongoing course sharing initiative for less-commonly taught languages, in which 18 languages are being shared through a model wherein a single teacher conducts class in 2-3 distally located classrooms via high definition videoconferencing.


11:30 – Noon

Breidenbaugh 112

Lillyrose Veneziano Broccia
University of Pennsylvania

Low-Tech IPA Ideas

This presentation will offer examples of how to transform course content into meaningful Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) inspired materials using low-tech alternatives that are easy to create as well as rewarding for instructors and students. Samples of how to integrate the interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes into class activities, at-home tasks, and assessments will be provided. Comparisons will be made between the IPA approach and other methodologies in order to discuss the benefits and challenges of adopting this attention to mode clustering.

Breidenbaugh 103

Marimar Huguet Jerez, Ann Warner-Ault & Mary Frances Litzler
The College of New Jersey and Universidad de Alcalá

Building Language Proficiency and Cross-Cultural Awareness through Online Language Exchanges

For the past two years students at The College of New Jersey have engaged in online language exchanges with college students in Spain, first with the University of Extremadura and now with the University of Alcalá de Henares. In collaboration with their counterparts in Extremadura and Alcalá, two professors at The College of New Jersey have designed a variety of online activities to build students’ language skills and cross-cultural awareness. Via Skype and Facebook students participate in synchronous and asynchronous conversations, post videos about their daily routines, and get a window into the day-to-day lives of college students across the Atlantic. In this presentation we will present our findings from a recent survey about the project. The students’ comments will allow us to highlight successes and challenges and to outline ideas for building successful online exchanges in the future.


Noon – 1:00



1:00 – 1:30

Breidenbaugh 112

Luba Iskold & Tom Sciarrino
Muhlenberg College

Thinking through the Language Center Role & Design

Like many language labs nationwide, the lab at Muhlenberg College needs “to change and adapt in order to remain relevant” (Kronenberg, 2014). This presentation reports on work in progress and discusses the planning stage for the renovation of the Language Center. We envision a flexible, inviting, multi-purpose, semi-formal physical space that allows for collaboration and creativity and, at the same time, is aligned with technological, pedagogical, and institutional developments. One of the challenges of the planning stage is learning about the expectations of all stakeholders. Findings from Faculty and Student Focus Groups and Surveys will be presented and discussed.

Breidenbaugh 103

María Paredes Fernández
University of Pennsylvania

Collaborative Texts: A Page Co-constructed for Students, by Students

Textbooks attempt to stay as up-to-date as they can be but, let’s face it, the moment they are put into print they can be outdated. Sometimes a plethora of events have occurred in a short amount of time or the text can exclude other perspectives on a topic. If the textbook is lacking and if there is interest in a topic, what can an instructor do? What if the class created their own text? This session will focus on the creation of collaborative texts or student-generated material for the classroom with the purpose of making deeper connections to the content and creating a sense of responsibility for the learners’ own erudition.


1:35 – 2:05

Breidenbaugh 112

Andrea Gazzoni
University of Pennsylvania

Exploring, Journaling, Connecting: Google Maps in the Language Classroom

For language teachers, Google Maps is not just about maps: it is about interaction. The possibility to customize online maps by adding layers, pictures, videos, writing, pins and links makes Google Maps a flexible and inclusive environment, where learners can respond in multiple ways to diverse inputs provided by real contexts as well as by teachers and peers. Motivated by a creative interaction with a real place and by the pleasure to map it, learners can use the target language to articulate, record and share their own experience within a larger context.
As a sample, in this presentation I will discuss two kinds of activities designed on Google Maps for an Italian class. The first is a collaborative site-specific exploration where students collect and connect materials with a storytelling approach. The second is the keeping of a class journal with entries written on the map in relation to places.

Breidenbaugh 103

Geoff Young
Carnegie Mellon University

Enhancing Student Engagement in the Language Classroom with the Makey Makey

Imagine watching a man playing the classic NES title Super Mario Bros. by frantically tapping chunks of Play-Doh on the desk in front of him. This mental picture might suggest potential teaching applications for the Makey Makey, an Arduino/keyboard hybrid device that allows users to use virtually any real-world object as an input method for digital games and applications. Over the next two months, the presenter intends to incorporate this tool into lessons with ESL advanced writing students at Duquesne University. An example of one such lesson would involve students interacting freely with the device and then working together to write a set of instructions for first-time users. The presenter aims to share the results of these lessons at the NEALLT 2016 Conference, as the Makey Makey offers compelling applications for the technologically-enhanced foreign language classroom.



2:25 – 2:55

Breidenbaugh 112

Svetlana Korshunova
University of Pennsylvania

Digging Up the Past: The Use of Yellowdig in a Heritage Class

The Russian Heritage Speakers Program at the University of Pennsylvania was established 13 years ago. The program offers four 2-level courses per year. The responses of our students demonstrate that the overwhelming majority of Russian heritage students are strongly guided by the desire to study Russian in order to be competent members of the Russian-speaking community, preserve family ties and get acquainted with the Russian historical and cultural heritage.
A class of students sharing the same unique background is in itself a heritage community, a group of learners looking for the same knowledge. Considering that “students are the ultimate insiders and experts on their own experiences”(Levin,Wadmany), we turned to Yellowdig, a new information-sharing program that enables students’ learning through interactive collaboration and provides platform for individualized search for the “heritage” roots. The presentation will focus on the challenges and advantages of using Yellowdig in one of the content-based heritage classes – “The Great Patriotic War in Russian Cultural Imagination”.

Breidenbaugh 103

Agi Legutko
Columbia University

Are You Game? Media, Games, and Social Networks in the Yiddish Classroom

The ongoing revival of interest in the Yiddish language has resulted in an abundance of online learning platforms with games, such as, new media resources such online sound archives and teaching materials, as well as social networks and online quizzes dedicated to Yiddish.
Games in particular are a highly motivating resource in a language classroom, since they offer an entertaining, meaningful, and at the same time challenging use of language in a real-life context. In addition to providing a welcome break from a class routine, they enhance the educational process and language acquisition through interaction with fellow students in a relaxed atmosphere.
This paper will explore the uses of games, media and social networks in the case of a less commonly taught language, and will examine their pedagogical and motivational benefits and challenges.


3:00 – 3:30

Breidenbaugh 112

Robert Godwin-Jones
Virginia Commonwealth University

Designing a modular e-textbook for increased learner motivation

To accommodate the diverse nature of students at the intermediate level, it is important to supply sufficient flexibility to accommodate a variety of student abilities/backgrounds, learning goals, and personal/professional interests. This is difficult to accomplish using a traditional print textbook. What is needed is a modular approach, which combines content common to all students enrolled, with options to work in areas of need or interest. I am creating a modular e-textbook for German to be shared as an OER (open educational resource) textbook, combining grammar tutorials with readings from a variety of copyright-free sources, as well as multimedia (short video and audio clips). The content represents different disciplines (literature, history, science, art, business) so as to address individual student areas of study. The tutorials and modules are created using standard HTML. They can be used as standalone resources, integrated into a learning management system, or combined into an e-textbook.

Breidenbaugh 103

Geraldine Lebaudy
University of Pennsylvania

Promoting ACTFL Five C’s through Computer Mediated Tools

This session will demonstrate ways of using computer mediated tools in Canvas to promote ACTFL Language Standards or the Five C’s in an Advanced Language and Conversation course. I will show how to design, develop and implement Canvas Voicethread with images to report current news and events, Voicethread with powerpoints for flipped classroom activities, and online content quizzes, to expose language students to abstract concepts, as well as current global issues, and authentic business case studies. Then, I will explain how these activities promote different types of communication modes, foster cross-cultural awareness and understanding, create communities inside and outside the classroom, connect students’ knowledge with other courses and disciplines, and allow them to compare various perspectives and sources. Finally, the presenter will show how students’ feedback confirm that these computed mediated projects have helped them develop language and cultural competencies, including accuracy, understanding, fluency, and self confidence.


3:35 – 4:05

Breidenbaugh 112

Mary Toulouse & Michelle Geoffrion-Vinci
Lafayette College

Badges: A Telling Student Story

It is generally accepted that the addition of badges to the sheaf of assessment options is positive: badges are tools that provide a means of assessment both at the individual student and programmatic levels. Even better, they hold great appeal because they can immediately be linked to students’ social media sites. What is generally overlooked is that badges play an important part in the telling of students’ stories, helping them reflect, not only on their skills, attitudes, and knowledge, but on who they are and where they are going. Presenters will discuss the current status of the badge prototype at Lafayette College (institutional adoption and technology), reflection theory, and samples of student stories.

Breidenbaugh 103

Luba Iskold
Muhlenberg College

Literary Road Trips: GIS and Digital Mapping Tools

How do we interpret articulations of place and identity in literary texts? According to Berg (2011), the development of Literary Road Trips is a way of placing students “right in the back seat” of unfolding events, thus bringing students “close to the action” in their literary journeys. This presentation discusses work in progress related to the value of using GIS and digital mapping to foster spatial thinking in a Russian literature course. In essence, the Road Trips are scaffolds intended to augment student learning by allowing learners to connect in time and space to the events described in literary texts and, thereby, to relate to a literary text in a more personalized and meaningful way. Examples of assignments will be provided in English.

4:10 - 5:10




The conference keynote will be given by Dr. Christine E. Poteau, who will speak on the topic "Intercultural learning in a virtual world."  Dr. Poteau was the Henderson Plenary speaker at the IALLT/FLEAT VI conference last August at Harvard University. Click here for the abstract of her talk.


Gettysburg Language Resource Center


6:00 – 9:00

DINNER @ Gettysburg Hotel (requires extra registration)


Sunday, March 20

9:00 – 9:30


9:30 – 10:30

Breidenbaugh 112

Eleanor J. Hogan & Yingjya Zheng
Gettysburg College

From Game to Final Project: Scaffolding at the Intermediate Level for Any Language

Using the card game Hitto Manga as a starting point, we are currently designing short, enjoyable in-class exercises as a base for our 202 language class projects, which are easily adjustable for different learning styles and ability levels. Students begin with a simple card game matching image to utterance. On-the-spot creativity is encouraged, and speaking, listening, reading and writing skills improve as the game is built upon to create a longer piece as a final project. Ultimately narratives can be acted out live, video or audiotaped, or presented as a book, or kamishibai (story telling with pictures). As we move through each structural piece demonstrating how it works in our classes, attendees are given hands on practice. The final piece of the session includes showing what participants created as well as the projects-in-progress from our students this semester.

10:30 – 11:30

Breidenbaugh 112

Michael Jones, Cindy Evans, Mary Toulouse
Swarthmore College, Skidmore College, Lafayette College

The Language Center ... Campus Centers for Innovation

I was a little taken aback by a session at FLEAT this summer that questioned whether Language Centers can still be centers of innovation on Campus. It's a challenging time for Language Centers on many campuses and this panel will seek to reframe those discussions into an affirmative case for why the Language Center is still a relevant, sustainable Center for technology innovation on campus.

11:30 – Noon

Breidenbaugh 112

Your Turn ... question and discussion period


Breidenbaugh 112


Noon – 1:00

Breidenbaugh 112

LUNCH (requires extra registration)