Friday, March 12
1:00 - 4:00
"Quick and easy interactive web pages"
Michael Jones, Marc Boots-Ebenfield, Kathy Lewis, Dan
Beeby and Lisa Frumkes, Mellon Trico
Using a variety of free applications and JavaScript-based
templates, it is now possible to create interactive
exercises on the web without being a computer programmer. We
will demonstrate how to create web-based cloze exercises,
matching exercises, timed readings, crossword puzzles,
annotated texts and more. Invest a few hours learning how to
get the most from your instructional web pages. Materials
presented will include "Hot Potatoes" from the University of
Victoria and a variety of other scripts which have been
created at Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore or adapted
from other sources.
3:00 - 5:00
Registration and Tour of Language Center
4:15 - 4:45
Demonstration of Remote Colaboration Facility with
Colgate University
5:00 - 6:30
Reception - hosted by Chester Technical
Saturday, March 13
8:30 - 9:15
Registration, Coffee & Donuts & Chat
9:15 - 9:30
9:30 - 10:00
Problems with Implementing Computer Assisted Language
Robin Clouser, Ursinus College and Michelle Sims,
Lafayette University
Michelle Sims, Computer Lab Coordinator, and
Robin Clouser, Professor of German, will describe changes
in the way they work and teach as a result of a
transformation to computer-enhanced pedagogy. Michelle
will describe her transition from part-time technical
assistant to director of a computer lab for languages.
Robin will explain how computers can make intermediate
German fun.
10:00 - 10:30
Reading Garcilaso and Lazarillo on the Web: A Dynamic
Juan Ramón de Arana, Ursinus College
This presentation will walk the audience through
two web sites designed for the advanced student of
Spanish: one dealing with a famous sonnet by Garcilaso de
la Vega (1503-1536), and another covering a fragment from
the Lazarillo de Tormes (1554). Both sites constitute a
tool for the students to better grasp some of the
difficulties of reading old texts in a second language:
reading comprehension, the rhetoric of poetry and
narrative, questions of genre, etc. The web pages give
ample freedom for the users to navigate the site
according to their own needs and offer several self-check
exercises to further review their knowledge.
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:15
A Template for Multimedia Exercises
De Bao Xu and Hong Gang Jin, presented by Megan
Created by De Bao Xu (Associate Professor of
Chinese, Hamilton College) and Hong Gang Jin (Associate
Professor of Chinese, Hamilton College), an easy use
template for multimedia exercises will be presented by
Megan Manchester, a Hamilton student who attended the
Middlebury Tech-training Program. With a few transparent
clicks, a language teacher can create systematic
multimedia exercises for his/her own students. Build-in
activities of the template include vocabulary exercises,
listening comprehension, reading comprehension, grammar
and culture notes, video close-caption, and student
on-line recording comparison.
11:15 - 11:45
Kiswahili on the web
Alwiya S. Omar, University of Pennsylvania
My presentation focuses on pre-listening
activitivites used in the Kiswahili reading and listening
modules. In the listening module, visuals with clickable
hotspots are used to introduce and reinforce vocabulary
items relevant to the topic in focus. Students answer a
series of questions based on the vocabulary presented and
they receive immediate feedback. In the reading module,
each selected vocabulary item has been hyperlinked to a
visual or an English glossary, a Kiswahili synonym, and
an explanation on usage. Comprehension questions with
immediate feedback are also given.
noon - 1:30
1:30 - 2:00
Using the Internet in the Upper-Level French
Christophe Ippolito, Hamilton College
This paper is both an empirical analysis of
web-based instruction and a reflection upon its relevance
in the upper-level French class, with focus on the
definition of the kind of proficiency that instructors
may wish for students at this level and for this
particular performance.
2:00 - 2:30
Solving Problems with On-Line Tutorials
Marcella Rollmann, Memorial University
These on-line tutorials for first and
second-year German courses combine text, graphics and
sound to provide students with multi-media conversation
practice outside of class and lab times. They are not
limited by copyright or site license, can easily be
changed or updated without any expense or need to collect
and redistribute materials, and fill the need for
conversation practice materials.
2:30 - 2:45
2:45 - 3:15
Developing JavaScript Utilities for Interactive WWW
Language Sites
Robert Ponterio and Marie-J. Ponterio, SUNY Cortland
Interactive WWW pages may be enhanced using
simple JavaScript utilities integrated into an HTML page.
Several utilities developed at SUNY Cortland and used in
French and Spanish culture pages for student feedback and
response submission will be provided and demonstrated. We
will give special attention to solutions for common FL
character problems from the point of view of the
3:15 - 3:45
A Game of Give and Take: How the Open Source
Movement Could Give a New Impetus to Computer-Aided Language
Harald Zils, Colgate University
More and more "open source" software is
available on the Internet - tools and applications, even
whole operating systems, that are distributed freely
together with their source code. The paper suggests to
use the proven copyright and development structures of
this movement for educational software.
3:45 - 4:15
Web Assisted Learning and Teaching of Tamil
Vasu Renganathan, University of Pennsylvania
This presentation discusses how the Web can be
used effectively to teach a language with non-roman
alphabet. The website for teaching and learning of Tamil
at the University of Pennsylvania contains a number of
different modules that use a variety of multimedia
components such as animated gifs, JavaScript integrated
interactive forms, cloze exercises with image maps, real
audio and video, pedagogically relevant pictures and so
on. A number of CGI scripts have been used to allow
students type in roman and output in Tamil script, so
that the Web based writing assignments can be sent to the
teacher in Tamil alphabet. Fonts are displayed
dynamically to avoid download problems. Suitable testing
strategies are employed to develop skills in
comprehension and production of the language.