NEALL - Spring '02

"The Language Media Center: Not Just Another Computer Lab"

May 3 - 5, 2002

Hosted by the Robert Henderson Language Media Center at the University of Pittsburgh

The Northeast Association for Language Learning Technology (NEALLT) will hold its annual conference on May 3 - 5, 2002 at the University of Pittsburgh's Robert Henderson Language Media Center, located in the Cathedral of Learning. The theme of the conference will be "The Language Media Center: Not Just Another Computer Lab."
We are interested in presentations, panels, and discussion about how better to integrate technology into language teaching and learning, both from the instructor's viewpoint and from the Center Director's viewpoint.

Proposal deadline: February 22, 2002.

This message is a call for workshops for the meeting, proposals for the meeting (abstracts of up to 250 words), a call for suggested topics for group discussion (especially practical matters Directors have to tackle), as well as an invitation to attend and be a part of all discussions. Deadline for abstracts and topics submission is February 22, 2002, and these should be sent to Mary Beth Barth at Please include the following information in your e-mail: Presenter's name, affiliation, e-mail address, telephone and fax number, technology needs.

Conference registration is $30.00, and the deadline is April 2. Workshops are an additional $10 each. Late registration is $40.00 and subject to availability. Please check the NEALLT website at for more information after March 1, 2002.


A block of rooms has been reserved at the University Center Holiday Inn Select, which is one block from the conference site.

Phone: 412-682-6200; Fax 412-681-4749.
Additional information:

The NEALLT conference rate is $102 per night, single or double. Room tax of 14% applies. This rate is effective May 2-5, 2002.

Reservations received after April 11, 2002 will be provided on a space available basis, and the NEALLT rate will no longer apply.

The normal parking rate of $14 per day has been waived for hotel guests who attend NEALLT.


Local Information

Regardless of what you may have heard about Pittsburgh and its industrial past, it is now a beautiful, fascinating multi-ethnic city situated at the confluence of three rivers. Claire could rave on about the charms of Pittsburgh, but for now there is further information about Pittsburgh at, about the University of Pittsburgh at, and about the Robert Henderson Language Media Center at

For additional local information please contact Claire Bradin Siskin at, or call 412-624-5939.


NEALL '02 - University of Pittsburgh
NEALLT '02 University of Pittsburgh May 3 - 5  

Tentative Conference Program
Friday, May 3

1 - 4 pm  
Pre-Registration Required
The Web is for Everyone: Usability and Accessibility in Web Page Design
Kathleen Lewis
Director, Language Learning Center
Haverford College
Making your web pages accessible to differently-abled users is both the right thing to do and, in many cases, the law. This hands-on workshop will explore ways of ensuring that your Center's or course web pages can be used profitably by everyone, discovering how the principles of Universal Design can make your pages accessible to people using various browsers or connection speeds, palm pilots, PDA's, or adaptive computer technology. We will first apply the W3C guidelines for accessibility and utilize text browsers and validation software to sample pages as we adjust HTML code and balance design and usability issues. We will next design a new, sample site from beginning to end, paying particular attention to the structure and special concerns which inform the creation of an aesthetically pleasing, usable and accessible web site.

4:00 - 6:00 Registration

5:00 - 7:00 Reception


Saturday, May 4

8:30 - 9:00 Registration & Coffee

9:00 - 9:15 Welcome & Henderson Remembrance Mary Beth Barth, NEALLT president Claire Bradin Siskin ,Host & Director-Robert Henderson Language Media Center
Dr. N. John Cooper, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh

9:15 - 9:45 Supporting Online Learning Christopher Jones,PhD
Principal Lecturer in French/Director, Modern Language Resource Center
Carnegie Mellon University Cesar Valencia
Coordinator of the Modern Language Resource Center
Carnegie Mellon University

9:45 - 10:15 "Vous êtes Morgane…": Commercial Computer Games as French Civilization Courseware Sharon Scinicariello, Ph.D.--Senior Network Information Specialist
Curriculum Support Group, Information Services
Case Western Reserve University

10:15 - 10:30


10:30 - 10:55

Room 1: Atajos con Tecnologia: Shortcuts with Technology

Marilyn S. Feke
University of Pittsburgh


Room 2: Pushing Oral Output Inside and Outside of the Language Lab in Advanced Oral Expression Classes

Susanne Nimmrichter
Millersville University


11:00 - 11:25

Room 1: Language Alive in a "Low Tech"Classroom

Colette Ballew
Sullivan West School District, Delaware Valley Campus, NY


Room 2: Archiving the Lab Experience: Electronic Portfolios and Grade Books

Lisa Minetti & Marni Baker Stein
English Language Programs
University of Pennsylvania

11:30 - 11:55

Room 1: Using Concordance Software to Facilitate SCLT (Sustained-Content Language Teaching)

Ali Aghbar
Department of English
Indiana University of PA


Room 2: Online Oral Proficiency Testing

Dr.Thekla Fall
Program Officer for World Languages
Pittsburgh Public Schools

Noon - 12:25

Room 1: Student-designed materials for the web: Web CT Tests

Lilia Savova
Indiana University of Pennsylvania


Room 2: Beyond Lab Stations: Language Proficiency through Multimedia Instruction

Frances Sweeney
Dean for the School of Liberal Arts
Professor of Spanish
Saint Mary's College of California

12:30 - 2:00 Lunch (those setting up for Showcase leave at ~1:30)

2:00 - 3:00 Multimedia Showcase organized by Zsuzsa Horvath for more information about presentations and participants, please see:  
3:00 - 3:15 Coffee break

3:15 - 4:00 The Staffing of Not-Just-Another-Computer-Lab: Roles and Functions Bradley Gano, Assistant Director for Technology
Center for Language Study
Yale University Cindy Evans
Director, Language Learning Center
Skidmore College Michael Jones
Director, Language Resource Center
Swarthmore College

4:15 - 5:45 Carnegie-Mellon Lab Tour

5:30 - 6:30 Nationality Rooms Tour (those interested in this can leave lab tour early)

6:30 Dinner @ Casbah - menu

Sunday, May 5

8:30 - 9:00 Coffee

9:00 - 9:30 Revisiting the "Dark Side of the Web" Claire Bradin Siskin
Director,Robert Henderson Language Media Center
University of Pittsburgh

9:30 - 10:15 Teaching Assistants to the Rescue!: The Back Door Approach for the Diffusion of Technology Mark Knowles
Director, Language Lab
Union College

10:15 - 10:30


10:30 - 11:30

Defining what we do: a mission statement for the Language Learning/Resource/Media Center

Michael Jones
Director, Language Resource Center
Swarthmore College

Mary Beth Barth,
Director, Language Learning Center
Hamilton College

Ursula Williams,
Director, Language Resource Center
Notre Dame University

11:30 - noon Your Turn Opportunity To Ask Questions, Seek Advice, Present Issues (discussion)

noon - 1:00 Business Meeting & Lunch