2008 Global Connections: Language Learning in the Digital Age Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey February 29 - March 2, 2008 Conference Program |
All events on Friday will be held at the Language Institute, 20 Seminary Place, New Brunswick. For a map, click here. For directions, click here. |
Friday, February 29 |
1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Limited Enrollment Pre-Registration Language Institute |
Pre-conference Workshops Technology at its Best: Oral/Aural Assessment and Creative Expression Participants will get hands-on experience in creating oral/aural assessment activities representing the three modes of communication and utilize Photo Story 3 to create multi media presentations. Workshop #1 can accommodate 36. Really Simple Learning Solutions: Podcasting in the World Language Class
Participants will get hands on experience in creating their own podcasts using Audacity. Workshop will address the use of editing tools and publication methods, as well as ways to use podcasting in world language instruction. Workshop #2 can accommodate 16. |
4:30 - 5:30 |
Registration, Language Institute |
5:00 - 7:00 |
Reception, Language Institute |
All events on Saturday and Sunday will be held in the Rutgers Student Center on College Avenue. For a map, click here. For directions, click here. |
Saturday, March 1 |
8:00 - 9:00 |
Registration & Coffee (in the Lounge Area outside Multipurpose Room A) |
9:05 - 9:20 Multipurpose Room A
| Welcoming
Remarks |
9:25 - 10:15 Multipurpose Room A
Keynote Address: No Longer a Frill: Using Technology in Learning, Teaching and Assessing World Languages. Janis Jensen, Director of the Office of Academic
Standards at the New Jersey Department of Education, State of New Jersey |
10:20 - 10:50 |
Session 1 |
Room 407
Learned from the UPOLAI Project At the 2007 NEALLT Conference, the presenter reported on the development of the University of Pittsburgh Oral Proficiency Language Assessment Instrument (UPOLAI), a software tool designed to facilitate the evaluation of students' oral proficiency. Students are presented with language tasks similar to those used in the SOPI, their responses are recorded, and the audio files are saved. The responses are scored by human raters who are trained according to the ACTFL Speaking Proficiency Guidelines. With the UPOLAI, large groups of students can be tested simultaneously. Last year the UPOLAI Project was in its infancy, having just been funded by an on-campus grant. It is now in its fourth semester. A bank of language tasks for French, German, and Spanish has been created. Hebrew and Portuguese are being added this semester, and Italian and other languages will probably be added in Fall 2008. The presenter will demonstrate the UPOLAI software briefly, and she will discuss the evolution of the project from the perspective of a lab director and project manager. Now that she has the hindsight of 4 semesters, what has been done well, and what could have been done differently?
Room 410 |
Virtual Reality and Literary Fiction Together Globalization owes much to the flourishing technology of the internet, which has largely contributed to transforming all the rules of communication. E-mail, chat rooms, news groups – are informal tools of communication that break barriers. However, the interactive potential of this technology has not often been applied to the French literature classroom. In my essay, I will consider the legacy of virtual interaction that French writers developed before the age of cyberspace, examine how virtual reality has reached the French literature classroom, and describe how we might pursue virtual interactive capabilities to reach students beyond the traditional classroom framework.
Room 411AB |
Enhancing Russian and Japanese Courses with iPods Faculty at Connecticut College are encouraged to enhance
their courses using technology by receiving digital devices, such as
digital cameras, camcorders or iPods, at no cost for the students. This
presentation focus on how a Japanese and a Russian beginner course have
improved after students enrolled have been given a 30 GB video iPod
and instructors have received a 60 GB video iPods. Each student has
the iPod for the entire duration of the course, one full academic year
since they are enrolled in both 101 and 102, but must return it at the
end of the second semester. Professors keep theirs even after the end
of the course. The iPods are loaded not just with languagelab lessons,
but also with podcastings, newscast recordings, folk-tale readings,
cartoons, songs, and music videos. Critical has been the organization
of the various files in customized playlists. Students are requested
to do their drills and record them in the iPod using an external microphone
(also provided). Not only students are very happy to be enrolled in
a course that has provided them a new iPod, but also instructors report
higher scoring on both listening comprehension and speaking tests. |
10:55 - 11:25 |
Session 2 |
Room 407 |
Internet and Authentic Learning We would like to suggest ways to use Chats, Wikis and Threaded discussions for collecting data from students for not only assessing their performance and communication skills but also as a source of instruction and way for actively involving them in their own learning. Within the context of a totally online environment, we would like to show how authentic materials can be used to generate authentic texts by the students, i.e. the data.
Room 410 |
Applications of Multimedia-induced First- and Second- Hand Experiences
of DKE Model for Language Learning Our research uses the DKE (Designs for Knowledge Evolution) model and tries to extend the work of Schwartz, Martin and Nasir (2005) from the domain of statistics learning into the domain of second language (L2) learning. We examine the effects of providing learners with a multimedia-induced preactivity that was designed to help them develop both first- and second-hand experiences and see how these experiences may influence L2 learning. Experimental design is used. We investigate whether this pre-activity improved learner's acquisition of the pronunciation rules, as measured through several different types of items on a post-test. The positive results show the important influence of these experiences in an instruction of L2 learning. The applications and implications of DKE model are further discussed.
Room 411 AB |
Effective Solutions for LRC: Problems and Solutions for a Dual-Boot The Language Resource Center (LRC) at Davidson College
has developed a dual-boot |
11:30 - noon |
Session 3 |
Room 407
Wiki Way: An Online Collaborative Writing Tool for Students Working well as a group and keeping up with new technologies remain important skills today. Creating wikis, where students edit simple web pages together, is a tool allowing students to practice both and to learn that the process is an important step towards the final product.Creating a wiki related to topics discussed in the class presents students with many opportunities not all of them collaborative. They have the opportunity to bring in their own ideas, to practice organizing their thoughts, and to write them down in an electronic format. Apart from those individual aspects, students learn to critically evaluate the collaborative project as a whole and to edit and revise it. As with group projects in general, students worry that there might be an imbalance in the quantity and quality of contributions. It is therefore important to show students that all contributions can be tracked and hence properly evaluated. The presenter will show and discuss how wikis are used for student collaborative writing at different levels of learning. The presenter will demonstrate how to set up a wiki and how students are trained to use this particular tool. In addition, samples will be given of different wikis that have been created by students. The presenters will also show how to track and evaluate individual student contributions in a collaborative writing project. The presentation ends with an evaluation of wikis focusing on the following: a) Students' evaluation of wikis as a learning tool, and b) a general evaluation and discussion of how to grade individual students and the complications associated with this issue, and c) the usefulness of such a tool in language learning.
Room 410 |
Relevance in a New World With so many on-line language resources available, languages
labs have to prove their worth now more than ever. I know this from personal
Room 411AB |
l'Environnement The environment has become a global pressing issue for
all nations. Today's students need to be made aware of these issues, as
well as be equipped with the knowledge to coherently discuss
12:05 - 1:10 |
Lunch - Food Court, Student Center (included in registration fee) |
1:15 - 1:45 |
Session 4 |
Room 407 |
Your Language Resource Center At Swarthmore College we've installed a flat panel screen
outside our Language Resource Center in order to showcase lab resources,
classes in Modern Languages and Literatures, students in the department,
various student projects, study abroad opportunities, satellite broadcasting,
activities available as well as departmental and relevant campus events
of interest.
Room 411AB |
Wide Expansion: ePortfolio's Next Step Over the past few years, LaGuardia Community College has
implemented an ambitious ePortfolio program. Starting with a few trail
classes, and gradually expanding, we now estimate that over 4000 students
have built ePortfolios. At Þrst, our ePortfolios were relatively simple:
they contained papers and photographs, but we have expanded into placing
audio and video on them as well. While this has brought challenges, the
ePortfoliios have become more and more interesting.
1:50 - 2:20 |
Session 5 |
Room 407 |
Online and the French Online DVDs French Online is a web-based course developed at Carnegie
Mellon University with support from the Hewlett Foundation through the
Open Learning Initiative and from the National Science Foundation through
the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center. The course features a bi-modal
delivery system: licensed for class use, but open to Internet adult learners.
Innovative aspects include new Flash-based exercise templates, extensive
logging and tracking, new communicative video shot in France, and activities
based on authentic materials.
Room 410 |
Analysis of the Arabic-English Etymology Etymology dictionaries often attribute any word whose origin
precedes Latin or Greek as of unknown origin. For example, the word “globe”
is from Latin“globus” and and the word sphere from Greek sphaira
“globe, ball,” of unknown origin. The word “Globe”
has a clear Arabic origin and means“hearts” in Arabic! Hence,
global connections mean “the connections of the hearts” in
Arabic which extend beyond all geographical boundaries. Although Arabic
as a Semitic language and English as an Indo-European language seem to
be definitely two separate languages and linguistically classified as
belonging to two different language families. From a global perspective,
Arabic shares an unusually close etymological relationship to English.
Arabic words in the English language have a long history that extends
beyond the sciences, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, navigation,
music, religion, and politics to the daily life activities and names of
foods, clothes, and household articles. Therefore, modern English as well
as other Indo-European languages can trace not only its alphabet and mathematical
system but also numerous parts of its vocabulary to its Arabic origins.
As a result, linguists assumed that the Arabic- English cognates were
loan words or borrowed from Arabic over the past forty centuries of its
linguistic evolution.
Room 411AB |
Power of PowerPoint The Power of PowerPoint is a presentation made for world language teachers, to learn how to integrate technology into a PowerPoint presentation to be used in the world language classroom. Also during this presentation I will show teachers how additional equiment can be used and integrated into PowerPoint, how to know what is the right equipment, prices, and where to get it.
2:25 - 3:25 |
Poster Session (Lounge Area outside Multipurpose Room A) |
at Rutgers: Language Teaching in a Virtual Environment One of the multiple technology-based projects recently developed and implemented at Rutgers is BabelMOO, The Rutgers Newark/New Brunswick Multi-Language MOO, a text-based online virtual learning environment that enhances students' ability to collaborate with peers in their classes, at other institutions, and even internationally. In language education, a MOO provides a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in another culture and to communicate without inhibition. The flexibility of MOO programs permits teachers and students to build virtual objects, rooms, and even cities, real or imagined, thus enhancing the teaching of culture by transporting the students into the target environment. A prototype Spanish MOO was developed by Jennifer Austin at Rutgers/Newark, and, during Academic Year 2005-2006, instructional material for rooms in French, German, and Italian were added by instructors on the New Brunswick campus. This material is still being expanded and utilized regularly in second-year language courses as well as at more advanced levels, with MOO sessions taking place in our main language laboratory on a regular basis during class time as well as outside of class. With an upgrade to the latest version of the MOO database system, called enCore, non-western fonts will be integrated so that students in languages such as Arabic and Hebrew can take advantage of this very powerful teaching and learning tool. Instructors and students found the system easy to navigate with only minimal training, for which a tutorial was created containing information on basic MOO commands. This tutorial is updated periodically to reflect any actions students might need to perform for their class. Students have embraced BabelMOO with enthusiasm, repeatedly requesting more MOO sessions, which has resulted in measurable improvement in students' writing skills as evidenced by their group projects posted in the MOO. |
– Information Technology and Classroom Materials: A Perfect Match Digiclass is a universally accessible, online learning environment, which has become an important part of instructional technology at Rutgers. It seeks to create active, self-directed language learners and to improve students' mastery of world languages by exposing them to customized linguistic practice so skills are acquired effectively and progressively. Digiclass provides access to valuable out-of-class communication and serves as a significant source of native cultural information essential for the development of functional language proficiency. This computer-aided interactive platform offers students many more opportunities to use a language actively and to receive an immediate and individually appropriate response than are possible in class or through traditional forms of homework. Additionally, Digiclass assists instructors with course management and enables them to teach in ways that were previously unavailable. |
Photo Story 3: An Innovative Tool for Creative Language Photo Story 3 has been integrated into both our undergraduate world language curriculum as well as our World Languages Institute (WLI) course for K-12 teachers, "Technology in the World Language Class, K-12." This free software from Microsoft is easy to use, but can produce very elaborate presentations combining still photos, text, music, narration and sound effects that appear video-like in format. This application has been used at Rutgers since summer 2006, when it was first demonstrated by Dr. Ursula Atkinson to K-12 teachers taking the WLI technology course as an effective tool for language instruction. Since then, it has been adopted by Myriam Alami, who has required her elementary French students to use Photo Story 3 to create tourism advertisements for Francophone countries. In addition, I required my advanced level students in a poetry course to use the application in their final projects. One part of the project was either to create an ad by bringing together images, music and figurative language (written or oral) or to illustrate a poem or a song of their choice. Most students chose to make their own ad, while one student used a song and animated it. Students found the project an appealing alternative to producing either a creative writing piece or an oral presentation because it provided them with the opportunity to combine both formats more artistically to reinforce and synthesize what they had learned in class - the different figures of speech such as metaphor, metonymy, alliteration and assonances. |
Technology and the World Language Curriculum: Rutgers' Use of the “Cutting
Edge” to Sharpen Language Proficiency The Language Institute performs an extremely important role in the support of world language study at Rutgers University. The Institute's mission is to assist the language departments in program, curricula, and materials development, and it maintains relationships with other language-related academic centers and units at Rutgers. It also provides training for Teaching Assistants and Part- Time Lecturers, professional development workshops for K-12 teachers as well as instructional technology training, design, and implementation. The implementation of any technology-based project into a world language curriculum requires not only reliable and consistent computer support staff, but also state-of-the-art instructional facilities. Both are crucial to developing a) effective language learning strategies for students which also allows them to become proficient in the use of technology as outlined in the National Educational Technology Standards for Students and b) communicatively based teaching that is advanced through regularly scheduled faculty and TA/PTL workshops, many of which promote the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers. The impact of technology on language acquisition should not be underestimated since it allows students as never before to spend increased contact time with the target language, accessing culturally rich authentic, language-specific materials. Proficiency-oriented activities designed to guide students through this authentic, and thereby often dense, material reflect the initiative by many New Jersey institutions of higher education to adopt the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning and its derivative, the New Jersey K-12 Core Curriculum Content Standards for World Languages. With advanced technology as the foundation, these standards, in conjunction with the well known and widely respected American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Proficiency Guidelines for Speaking are informing the world language curriculum development at Rutgers and at other New Jersey institutions of higher education. |
Professional Development for the K-12 Community through an Since fall 2005, the Rutgers World Languages Institute
has been using eCompanion as an online platform to offer a methodology
course for language teachers. This hybrid course “Methods of Foreign
Language Teaching, K-12”, which includes five off campus class meetings,
is designed to address the needs and concerns of students preparing to
teach foreign languages in the K |
- Window to the World? I love and have been using it religiously at all levels to expose my students to authentic cartoons, newsreports and sound. I want to have the opportunity to show some of the tasks that I have created using this website and hopefully have the opportunity to discuss the validity of this resource with interested colleagues. |
3:30-4:00 |
Session 6 |
Room 407
Oral and Writing Proficiency in the Lab Improving oral and writing proficiency levels in a second language is a goal aimed by all language learners, especially by language teachers who are pursuing their certification as language teachers. This presentation is addressed to instructors of all language levels, and it presents different ways to increase the oral and writing proficiency levels of students using different tools encountered in the language laboratory (internet, head-sets, group conversations, phone calls, PowerPoints, photos, videos, etc.).
Room 410 |
Course Management System and its Technology Integration by Language Faculty The presentation will illustrate the overview of the new
Course Management System (CMS) “Angel” and how language faculty
members have been incorporating this technology into their curricula and
courses. The presentation will describe the features in Angel CMS as well
as the transition from the previous system to the current management system.
Along with the technological features in Angel, the presentation will
also provide examples of the system usage and the material development
by language faculty members. In addition, the participants of the presentation
will find out the opinions and comments on Angel CMS from the perspective
Room 411AB |
Students A-Twitter with Micro-Blogging |
5:00 |
Tour of
Language Institute Facilities
at Rutgers University - if interested sign up at registration |
7:00 |
Dinner (Optional, pre-registration required!) |
Sunday, March 2 |
8:30 - 9:00 |
Continental Breakfast |
9:10 - 9:55 |
Session 7 - Panel |
Multipurpose Room A |
Using Flash Animations in the Teaching of French Grammar High-tech definitely makes our world smaller by letting teachers and students
access on-line resources all over the world.
Flash is a rich resource. If you type your subject appended with the word “Flash” in
any Internet search engine, you will get tons of websites. Among them there
are a lot of cultural authentic stories, rhymes, games, songs, etc. They can not
only, be integrated with L2 curriculum to create communicative activities, but
also a visual exposure to the culture.
Flash is animated and interactive. If it is used properly, it can be a great tool for
both young learners and adolescents.
Flash is easy to access. It only needs a computer having an Internet connection,
speakers and Internet Explorer. Most classrooms already have all these. (If
you want to project Flash, you also need a Data Projector.) |
10:05 - 11:00 |
Lab Director Panel
11:10 - Noon Multipurpose Room A |
Your Turn (Open Mic)
Noon - 1:00 |
Business Meeting & Optional Box Lunch |