Draft - NEALLT Conference Program


A Winter Storm has caused the closure of Cornell University on Friday, March 3.

- Friday events are canceled.

- We will proceed with the program as best as possible on Saturday/Sunday, offering Zoom conference access to presenters and participants unable to make it to Cornell.

Please judge travel conditions and make a determination whether you can SAFELY make it to Ithaca.


Interdisciplinary Approaches

to Teaching Language and Culture



@ Cornell University


Friday, March 3

1:00-4:00 pm

Language Resource Center

OPTIONAL Workshops ... please sign up with registration if interested.

The FLLITE Approach: Building on the Promise of Communicative Language Teaching

Joanna Luks (Cornell University)

CLT scaffolds the study of literal meanings of language as foundation for FL acquisition. FLLITE (Foreign Languages & The Literary in the Everyday) widens the frame to encompass [the literal + the literary]. "The literary" here is a linguistic concept. Thus, FLLITE explores what structured input constitutes for the literary so as to articulate a comprehensive pedagogy of meaning making. This workshop introduces teachers of language/literary/cultural studies, and LPDs who teach methods courses, to the basic premises of FLLITE. It provides the tools for carrying out the preparatory steps for creating a FLLITE lesson: identifying the literary in an "everyday" text, analyzing the literary for language learning and assessment, and creating a writing task that scaffolds student play with meaning making. FLLITE is supported by COERLL and CERCLL and is an Open Educational Resource. The workshop ends with access to the FLLITE project for open publication of lessons.


4:00-5:00 pm

Language Resource Center

Scaffolding student i-Book projects

Mary Toulouse (Lafayette College)

In this one hour, hands-on workshop, participants will have an opportunity to create an i-book template for student-created projects in the foreign language class. Topics to be addressed in the workshop will include: setting up a template, adding multimedia features, exporting the books, and widgets that enable language spellchecks in over 35 languages. Rubrics for grading will be available. Demo samples from Lafayette College include: Intermediate student French history i-Book projects, Intermediate student Japanese i-books, and advanced Spanish i-books. Demo samples from Swarthmore College include: the i-book, as used as a tool to support literacy among hearing impaired students.

5:00 – 7:00

Cornell LRC

RECEPTION (included in Registration)

204 East Avenue Room G25


Saturday, March 4

8:30 – 9:00




Klarman Audiotorium KL

Welcome & Keynote

Dick Feldman, NEALLT President, Cornell University

Marilyn Migiel, Senior Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences






Conference Keynote

Crystal Hall

“The Foreign Language Learner in the Computer”

These remarks will focus on two ways in which the skills developed in foreign language learning engage with cultures built upon digital environments and computational practices. First, what I will call post-grammatical skills fostered by language learning suggest new directions for developing technology to enhance pedagogy (and beyond). Second, these skills open doors for confronting and critiquing existing cultural technologies and provide the foundation for an empowered participation in multidisciplinary environments. Examples will draw from Digital Humanities research and current bibliography on digital disruption outside academia, but the emphasis will be on the interdisciplinary curricular possibilities offered by this reframing of the necessary, dynamic intercultural work that we do as teachers of languages.





Using Philosophy in Language Instruction

Damien Tissot

Language instruction typically relies on literature as a means of building skills and fluency, especially at the university level. Given this paradigm, within the logical progression for language curricula, language courses are followed by literature courses. Theory and philosophy thus become relegated to advanced courses. Within my presentation, I would like to suggest however that we can flip these expectations and use philosophical texts as a means of building language skills as well. I will show how by working with philosophical concepts and argumentation, students are exposed both to the specificity of the target language and its cultural stakes. While developing their analytical skills, students are moreover required to consider the mechanisms of language with critical distance through the act of responding to theory.



News, Ethics, Metacognition, Debate (Advanced French Conversation)

Robert R. Daniel (Saint Joseph's University)

This presentation evokes a recently designed, currently taught course in French . I will talk about pedagogical principles, design thinking, and standards that informed the course creation process. Specifically, I suggest ways in which this multi-perspective, multi-disciplinary approach holds promise for developing language proficiency, intercultural capability, global citizenship, critical thinking, and good metacognition in an advanced conversation course in French. Specifically, the course draws on cognitive-science-informed approaches to learning (Shaules 2015; Brown, Roediger, & McDaniel 2014), a focus on real-world information (France 2 news, LeMonde.fr), a focus on ethical thinking, selected elements from Jason Baehr's "educating for intellectual virtues" framework (http://intellectualvirtues.org/), and meaningful engagement through socially-mediated online discussions (Yellowdig.com). It is a challenging mix to manage, but it shows great potential. I am particularly interested in getting feedback and having a conversation about these ideas as they manifest themselves in this particular curricular packaging.


Reflective Learning: Put the student in the driver’s seat

Gunhild Iris Lischke (Cornell University)

Developing written literacy in German is an integral part of our curriculum starting in the first semester, using an e-portfolio platform. The student’s own written reflection on his/her writing elicits the instructor’s feedback and the student’s text revision. Sample texts show the students’ qualitative and quantitative improvement and an increased engagement with text production.
Learning outcomes: teachers will learn how to use this model and receive a handout with guidelines as to how to respond to the student’s writing.





Using digitally captured and archived media for cross-cultural learning and language practice

Chantal Philippon-Daniel (University of Pennsylvania)

This presentation will focus on instructional strategies that I have developed for an Advanced French Conversation course. This approach has demonstrated effectiveness. It motivates students, helps them improve language skills, develop intercultural perspectives and make connections to a variety of disciplines. Starting with an overview of the general pedagogical framework that informs my teaching and creation of activities (the 5 Cs and the three modes of communication), I will then present selected assignments that draw on authentic documents. In these tasks, students use a variety of digital tools for inquiry and communication. They engage in individual and collaborative work, across multiple modalities, intended to foster critical and cultural-comparative thinking. This session aims to offer general principles and techniques that can easily be reproduced and adapted to fit a range of teaching needs and target audiences.

Investigating Chinese Language Learners’ Use of WeChat: a Chinese Social Media Application

Shizhong Zhang (University of Central Florida), Deborah Cordier Ph.D. (Independent researcher)

Beginner-level Chinese Language Learners (CLLs) often struggle with Chinese pinyin pronunciation (Winke, 2007). Chinese pinyin tone pronunciation is challenging, especially when a tonal pronunciation error could lead to unintelligible speech (Derwing & Munro, 2015).The emergence of smartphones and applications have offered opportunities for language learning and teaching. This exploratory study aims to investigate the pedagogical value of WeChat (Li, 2017) for Chinese pronunciation practice and language teaching. Ten native English-speaking CLLs will use WeChat over a six-week period for pronunciation practice and language study. A four-line Chinese poem (Tang Dynasty/Bai Juyi) will be used as the model to practice pronunciation and tones. Data will be collected using questionnaires, audio samples, and semi-structured interviews. Data will be analyzed to identify beginner-level CLLs’ experiences using WeChat. The usability of WeChat will be explored and may inform learning and teaching practices.


#CollaborateBetter: Padlet in mixed Romanian Elementary and Intermediate Classes

Mona Momescu (Columbia University), Simon Zuberek (Columbia University), Anca Gata (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz),

Recent articles on the use of Padlet portray it as a popular language learning platform whose pedagogical effectiveness has been displayed across a range of subjects, from ESL, through languages such as Chinese and Japanese, all the way to mathematics. Recent scholarship demonstrates Padlet's efficacy improving the skills of at-risk students and building learner confidence, while developing collaborative skills across various age and proficiency groups. The versatility of this tool made us initiate a project for a flipped Romanian class, assembling students from Columbia, Yale, Cornell, and the University of Mainz, Germany. The presentation is part of an ongoing project, meant to assess the effectiveness of Padlet in vocabulary acquisition and the development of intercultural communication skills.





Projects with Technology in Japanese language class

Naoko Ikegami (Lafayette College)

I am going to introduce a two-year, phased learning sequence that utilizes varied learning technologies to facilitate Japanese language acquisition. These lesson plans and project designs are linked to both textbook materials and real-life Japanese language artifacts in the form of popular culture and mass media materials. The level of instruction is elementary- to intermediate-level Japanese. The first semester project uses the iMovie application; students create their auto-biographies in Japanese. In the second semester they make ePortfolios, which include Japanese-language materials from inside or outside of the classroom. Students select, record and curate this material, which comes from the arenas of television, music, documentary film, news, and other sources. The last project is making iBooks. Students choose a Japanese person, conduct research about him or her, and then write a concise biography. I explain these project procedures, discuss their benefits and challenges, and put them into a curricular context.


Differentiated Instruction for the Quiet Classroom

Samantha Gillen (University of Pennsylvania)

Language teachers are often faced with a challenge: the silent classroom. While one class may be eager to create comical scenarios between fictional characters in the target language and prefer choral-style responses, a different class receiving the same input may belong to a group of students with a collectively more reserved personality. Encouraging students in a “quiet classroom” to want to contribute can be challenging, but I have been exploring the use of differentiated instruction techniques and personalized activities to increase students’ interest levels and confidence. This effort to engage through personalization has yielded positive results that yield more voluntary participation.

In my presentation, I would like to share the activities and techniques I use that help to foster classroom community and livelier discussions. I will include examples of differentiated strategies for those with tech-friendly and non-tech-friendly classrooms to maximize students’ potential for active participation.


Poster Sessions: My Major and German

Mona Eikel-Pohen (Syracuse University)

How can students connect their majors in meaningful ways with the language they study? In Intermediate German, I conduct poster sessions where students explore the commonalities between their areas of study and their German cultural knowledge and language skills. Students prepare posters for gallery walks mimicking a conference atmosphere. They also serve as gallery walkers and engage in professionally oriented conversations with their fellow students in the target language. This is when students explore new perspectives in their major fields, and also discover their own and their fellow students’ potential as professionals through the social act of speaking about their future plans in German. Additionally, students conduct information interviews with German-speaking professionals and can include this information into their presentations and posters. In this presentation, I will explain the planning, conducting, and evaluation of this social and professional oriented project and render examples both from past and current courses.




G25 & G27



1:00 – 1:30


"Opening" the Textbook: Tech-Enhanced Differentiated Learning

Lillyrose Veneziano Broccia (University of Pennsylvania)

This presentation will highlight examples of content and outcomes from Language and Culture courses that focus on fundamental aspects of SLD, such as meaningful vocabulary building and process reading, listening, viewing, and writing. Project-based, goal-oriented teaching, and task-based activities divert from the traditional model of “coverage,” offering students authentic cultural content that serves as a means through which to reach, and surpass, communicative and pedagogically robust objectives. Differentiating the learning experience and enhancing it via the careful use of technological tools also affords students the freedom and responsibility to engage in all aspects of their linguistic and cultural journey. Shared materials will highlight the incorporation of the 5Cs, focus on the 3 modes of communication, and shine a spotlight on how creativity motivates students to become, and remain, engaged with new Languages and Cultures, both inside and outside the classroom.


Student Agency in a Flipped Language Classroom

Maia Solovieva (Oberlin College)

Online materials available for language instruction today bring many benefits, but they also test our teaching approaches. I propose to demonstrate the benefits and challenges of implementing online materials with a third-year Russian course based on my experience teaching Russian verbs of motion, using a combination of a traditional textbook (Russian Motion Verbs for Intermediate Students) together with online videos and audio exercises developed at https://www.tips4russian.com. I will argue that implementing professionally created online materials enlarges students’ learning possibilities, and also transforms our classroom into a much more sophisticated learning environment. To make a flipped classroom successful requires clear structure, careful planning and also a new level of self-awareness from learners about their learning processes.
The oral and written assignments implemented in the course are designed to encourage students to reflect on their own learning experience in Russian. Examples will be provided from students’ self-evaluating reflective assignments.  


Promoting Long-term Chinese Vocabulary Retention through a Learner-Developed Application

Frances Yufen Lee Mehta (Cornell University), Gregory Brumberg (Cornell University)

Language learners tend to forget forms and meanings of certain words, let alone their usage over a period of time and consequently fail to internalize the knowledge of more words for further expression and communication in the target language when the right moment arises. This is more so for intermediate and higher levels of Chinese learners, who often have mastered pronunciation and grammar but often struggle to find the right words to use. By modifying a preexisting open-source flashcard software, the developer made it better fit his learning style and the study of Chinese Mandarin. This presentation intends to explore the effectiveness of this software that utilizes active learning and spaced repetition to promote long-term memorization and retention of vocabulary. Pedagogical application and user feedback will also be further addressed.


1:35 – 2:05


Analog Technologies in a Digital World: Achieving Communicative Outcomes through (Un)Conventional Means

Julia D'Aleandro Meyers (University of Pennsylvania)

Technology has become synonymous with electronic communication and virtual interaction. Consequently, it has often come to be viewed as preferable by virtue of being ubiquitous and many language courses now favor digital technologies in lieu of traditional analog methods. As a case study between two elementary Italian courses, this presentation will highlight the relevance and effectiveness of utilizing traditional methods of manual correspondence in achieving communicative outcomes and successfully facilitating student engagement in the target language. At the end of the semester, students were capable of building and sustaining meaningful communication with peers through the appropriate employment of language structures and pertinent vocabulary. The novelty, for undergraduates, to use tangible letter writing to relay ideas and express thoughts aided retention of course input and the meeting of curriculum objectives. The intent of this project was to move away from digital platforms and bring a more personal touch to communication, however this presentation will also examine how more familiar digital platforms can be used and adapted to realize the same objectives.



Benefits of Low-Stakes Student Group Presentations

Silvia Amigo-Silvestre (Cornell University)

Frequently in-class group presentations are used as high-stakes assignment for oral skill evaluation. During this presentation we will see how group oral presentations, when done as a low-stake assignment, reduce anxiety, increase confidence, encourage non-memorized production at paragraph level, and contribute content to a course through student -rather than instructor- agency. The presenter will share examples of the different ways she implemented this type of assignment in courses she teaches, as well as report on students' attitudes toward it.


Learning Language and Culture Through TV Variety Show

Meejeong Song (Cornell University)

This study aims to promote Intermediate Korean heritage students' natural way of speaking in a stress-free learning environment. 7 episodes of the Korean cultural TV variety show were chosen and students were asked to fill in the worksheet while they were watching 90-minute show as a homework, then they shared what they had learned from the show in class. Each episode was taken place one of the historical or cultural sites in Korea, and the members of the program explored the place completing their given missions. By watching and discussing each episode, students could find Korean proverbs/idioms/quotes in the contextualized situations, describe the place, narrate the events, and share their ideas and opinions about the Korean culture freely. Students were better engaged and motivated in conversation than learning from the textbook. It was clear to see that students could gain linguistic, cultural competence naturally, through using these authentic materials.


2nd Floor





Ukrainian Lesson Podcasts: Erasing Borders In Language Learning By Podcasting

Anna Ogoiko (University of Pennsylvania)

The session will start with a presentation and overview of the Ukrainian Lesson Podcasts, a 2-year old project that now has about 70 episodes and hundreds of regular listeners from around the world. The presenter will explain the technical aspects involved in producing good-quality podcasts and describe cost-efficient ways for disseminating and sustaining them. The presenter will also share the results of a survey conducted among podcast listeners. In the survey, the language learners of different backgrounds described their experiences and shared their ideas and opinions for the perfect digital language course. The feedback from the survey will help us understand, improve, and design podcasting as an even more effective tool for sharing knowledge for free, supporting students beyond the classroom, and creating a worldwide community of people interested in learning a less commonly taught language.



Fostering Agency and Autonomy in Independent Language Learning: an Interdisciplinary Practice

Claire Moisan (Grinnell College)

Independent language learners bring a range of disciplinary backgrounds and goals to language study. They may learn Czech to investigate film in Prague, or Kiswahili to explore global health in Nairobi; they pursue Polish or Korean to enhance an area studies minor; or Portuguese or Hindi to pursue research and post-graduate employment. The languages and purposes are as varied as the students themselves. In my work with self-instructional students, I promote interdisciplinary language-learning by calling on students to articulate their needs and objectives for studying a particular language; helping them to select proficiency tasks and materials aligned with their goals; and providing them with the resources, tools, and strategies they need to complete those tasks, monitor their progress, and become lifelong learners. This presentation will share resources and strategies from an undergraduate LCTL program that uses both non-tech (goal-setting) and tech (flipped classroom) solutions for fostering student agency.



Lessons learned from Videoconference Course Collaboration

Dick Feldman (Cornell University), Christopher Kaiser (Columbia University)

Together, Cornell and Columbia have about 15 years of experience in supporting less-commonly-taught language courses via videoconference. We have navigated administrative, pedagogical, technical, and community issues over that period. In this presentation, managers of videoconference courses from the two institutions will discuss what they have learned over these years and how the model can be applied to small groups of similar colleges of any size. We will discuss the requirements for setting up such systems, the advantages and the pitfalls. We will show what these classes look like and how teachers and students respond to them. Participants will have an idea of some of the issues to address in approaching their own and partner institutions to begin setting up a collaborative course sharing system.






TAG activities in Russian language and culture courses

Maria Alley (University of Pennsylvania), Molly Peeney (University of Pennsylvania)

This presentation reports on the successes and challenges of assignments based on a popular Russian video-blogging practice in which bloggers use "TAGs" to respond to a set of questions centered on a certain theme. There are a cluster of tasks associated with such assignments that include: exploration of target online culture, listening tasks based on specific natively produced and posted TAGs, students' creation of their own TAGs in the target language, and curated online interaction among the students about their TAGs. We will focus on two assignments from the first semester and fourth semester levels of Russian, respectively.

Podcasting for Language Education

Dan Gaibel (Cornell University), Sam Lupowitz (Cornell University)

Podcasting has become an indispensable marketing tool for any industry, and a popular way to find and create an audience for a niche topic. Additionally, a podcast is a convenient method for delivering course audio and/or video to any student who subscribes to a dedicated feed. In this brief workshop, we will discuss the value of podcasting for language teachers, and how an educator can simply, effectively, and creatively utilize the medium. We’ll also examine the scope of technical needs for producing a quality podcast, from the simplest and cheapest configuration for a home or office, to the advantages of a professional-grade recording studio. From microphones and recording software to web servers and iTunes, we will teach you everything you need to know to dive into the world of podcasting!



Theoretical Linguistics and Linguistic Tolerance in the Heterogeneous Language-Learning Classroom

Simone Harmath-de Lemos (Cornell University)

I draw from different subfields of theoretical linguistics to design activities that help create an in-class prosocial environment with respect to linguistic tolerance, with the purpose of minimizing performance anxiety.
Heterogeneous language-learning classrooms, composed by an array of students, like heritage speakers of different variants of the target language (i.e., European and Brazilian Portuguese), learners who acquired the target language naturalistically without any formal instruction, speakers of other languages in the same family of the target language, and monolinguals, are a common trend in college-level classes.
Creating an environment that minimizes negative affective factors like performance anxiety in such a diverse context becomes then a challenging task. I present three tasks designed with this purpose in mind. The tasks are built around performance errors found under the search phrase "Pearls of the Portuguese Language". I deconstruct each task and the theory behind it, reflecting on observed benefits.





Input processing adjustments in Web Audio Lab

Dick Feldman (Cornell University)

There are large-scale findings that suggest listening skills lag behind others and may need more attention in the curriculum. The input-processing model of comprehension shows that a major activity of comprehension is the reformulation of input into long-term memory chunks. We can only remember a small number of items, so sounds, content words and grammar cues need to be recoded into fewer larger pieces. This takes time, and a learner often finds him/herself still processing when the next speech utterance comes along: the processing crunch turns into a time crunch. How can we help students manage this crunch? I’ll show some features we’ve added to Web Audio Lab for this purpose and discuss the task of listening and its role in the language class.

Minding | Mending the Holes: Part 2

Mélanie Péron (University of Pennsylvania), Vickie Karasic (University of Pennsylvania Libraries)

This presentation builds off of last year’s, which involved technology-mediated projects as ways for students to engage with course material on the years of French Collaboration. This engagement happens best when students make connections between the past and the present in ways that are visible and meaningful to them. This project aims to forge such connections as students analyze a common theme across various texts and media in one cohesive digital platform. A collaboration between the Department of Romance Languages, the Penn Libraries, and the Price Lab for Digital Humanities, this year’s project involves developing an interactive mapping platform (Neatline/Omeka) presenting text, video, and biographical data to link the personal to the national. The library and the digital humanities center are uniquely positioned to provide expertise in developing such a platform and in teaching students the technology necessary to make this project come to life as a pedagogical tool.



Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Learning: Practical Tips for Task Sequencing

Agnieszka Dziedzic (University of Pennsylvania), Ed Dixon (Penn Language Center)

The application of a Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) combined with technology can afford learners a communicative environment in which to spend more time engaging with the target language and culture and collaborating with each other. This session will provide suggestions for technology-mediated task sequences in online and blended learning environments that promote language learning through interaction and teamwork.

Using a task-based lesson plan for an Intermediate Polish II course as an example, the presenter will illustrate task sequencing designed with different web-based technologies and digital media. In addition to the use of technology in the task sequence, the presenter will highlight the various cognitive skills students will need to complete the tasks.

At the end of the presentation, participants will know a few practical tips for designing their own technology-mediated task sequences and gain new lesson ideas that can be easily adapted and implemented into any language course curriculum.



LRC Tour




Optional tour of McGraw Tower and the Cornell Chimes. Meet
at the base of the tower.




6:00 – 9:00

DINNER @ Statler Hotel (Optional, please sign up if interested)

6 - 7 pm - Statler Rowe Room, Reception with appetizers & cash bar

7 - 9 pm - Statler Taylor Room, Dinner


Sunday, March 5

9:00 – 9:30

G25 - G27


9:30 – 10:30


Panel 1

Maximizing the Functionality of Learning Spaces: the Language Lab

Su-I Chen (Clemson University)

In the past decade, there has been a major shift in the use of technology for language learning from simple recordings to a multifaceted, engaging notion of instruction that uses resources to integrate language, culture, and their applications in a meaningful way for students. As most textbooks and curricula incorporate technological components and an increasing number of faculty and students seek to maximize their learning using tools and technology that can bring the world to them, the language lab plays an increasingly important role for classes at all levels for a diversity of purposes. In this presentation, I will share the Clemson experience of transforming the traditional language lab into new learning spaces with multiple functions by incorporating technology, learning tools, and resources in spaces with flexible re-sizing options, in an effort to maximize the functionality of the language lab by exploring the physical and virtual spaces.


A Language Center in a Kitchen: Keeping the center as a community

Teresa Valdez (University of Rochester)

Designing a language center is a task that includes many perspectives. More recently, the question around a language center design focus on the need to present to users a state-of-the-art technology center that, contrary to many others is not empty of users once open. Language Centers must reflect students and faculty needs, and must be ready to answer to any change requirement Ledgerwood (2011).
Language Centers play a role in students’ cultural and linguistic development. At the University of Rochester the Language Center offer students and faculty a state-of-the-art kitchen, where classes meet to learn while cooking. In this space we also offer Conversation Hours; Culinary events; and Events around the table, where the center becomes a true community.
This presentation will overlook the center as a hole, and in more detail what can mean having a kitchen as a destination for instructional purposes, and cultural events on campus.


Psychology of Space: Transforming Learning through Space Design

Luba Iskold (Muhlenberg College)

This presentation reports on the findings from a Survey of Faculty Satisfaction with the new Language and Culture Commons. The traditional language lab at Muhlenberg College was transformed into a modern learning space in the fall of 2016. At the planning stage, we envisioned a physical space that allows for collaboration and creativity and, at the same time, is aligned with technological, pedagogical, and institutional developments. One of the challenges of the planning stage was to collect the data about the expectations of all stakeholders, particularly the faculty. The findings from the pre- and post- renovation Faculty Surveys will be analyzed and discussed.


10:30 – 11:30


Panel 2

Engaging Users with Digital Signage

Mary Toulouse (Lafayette College), Michael Jones (Swarthmore College)

Engaging Users with Digital Signage

Google Slides presentation (mike)

11:30 – Noon


Your Turn ... question and discussion period




Noon – 1:00


LUNCH (requires extra registration)