Draft - NEALLT Conference Program

Transformative Practices: Teaching and Learning Language and Culture with Technology



@ University of Pennsylvania


Friday, April 5

3:00 – 4:00 PM

Optional: Tour of Penn Libraries (included in registration)
Vickie Karasic, University of Pennsylvania

Begin at Education Commons and end at Van Pelt Library

4:00 – 6:00 PM

Van Pelt Library Room 113 Collaborative Classroom

OPTIONAL Workshops ... please sign up with registration if interested.

Enhancing Study Abroad with Technology
Jessica Greenfield, Oberlin College

This workshop will focus on how to efficiently and effectively implement technology-focused activities into study abroad programs. Participants will be able to create a set of meaningful objectives, consider the types of formative and summative assignments, activities, and assessments that are most important for their learners, and how to best incorporate technology-based tasks to meet or exceed those objectives. Participants will also be able to learn strategies for working with their LRC to achieve their goals.


6:00 – 7:30PM

Van Pelt Library Room 113 Collaborative Classroom

RECEPTION (included in Registration)


Saturday, April 6

8:00 – 9:00

College Hall 200


9:00 – 9:15 AM

College Hall 200


Welcome, Acknowledgments, and Opening Remarks


9:15 – 10:00 AM

College Hall 200




Keynote: Media, Entrepreneurship, and the Study of Language and Culture
Claudia Consolati, University of the Arts

We live in the information age where as much knowledge is exchanged and acquired outside academia as it is inside. Outside the classroom, data transmission and acquisition occur through ever-changing technological tools, specifically in the booming field of creative entrepreneurship. This presentation will focus on the use of some of these tools within the academic learning environment. Particular attention will be given to video technology and social media, and to how they can be adapted to the teaching of language and culture. Along with teaching innovations, the use of such tools can bring about a re-definition and reframing of the learning experience with the goal of equipping students with what they need to succeed as entrepreneurial agents and creators in the modern world.

Claudia Consolati, PhD, is Assistant Professor and Director of Film and Media Studies at University of the Arts, Philadelphia, where she teaches the core curriculum courses in Film History and Film Theory as well as electives on Feminism and Film. She is also the Senior Thesis advisor for the majors in Film and Media Studies.

Her research centers on gender and film, with particular attention to representations of the body and spirituality in cinema and new media. She has worked and published extensively on gender in Italian cinema with a focus on Federico Fellini and Lina Wertmuller. She is currently working on two book projects. The first, “Sacred Madness: Women, Religion, and Folly in Postwar Italian Cinema” is an extension of her dissertation on female holy folly in Italian film. The second, tentatively titled “The Witch and the Body: Fourth-Wave Feminism in Contemporary Media” examines current feminist trends across a variety of media platforms from film to social media.


10:30 – 11:30 AM Keynote Q & A


10:30 – 11:30 AM

Virtual Reality

College Hall 200


Cultural Immersion in Virtual Reality Narratives
Nicole Mills, Harvard University

This presentation will discuss the role that virtual reality narratives play in foreign language pedagogy in Harvard's classrooms. A project will be showcased in which four different Parisians documented the stories of their lives with a virtual reality (VR) camera. These VR narratives immersed foreign language students in diverse perspectives, practices and sites of Paris that were unexplored or unexpected, presenting Parisian culture as rich, nuanced, and deeply contextualized.

Using VR Technology to Teach Culture, Language and Identity
Stephan Caspar, Carnegie Mellon University
Marc Siskin, Carnegie Mellon University

Exploring the design and affordances of the Askwith Kenner Global Languages Room at Carnegie Mellon University, this talk highlights the transition from the physical space to effective, innovative (foreign) language and culture pedagogy. What can we learn in bridging the real world and virtual reality?


Teacher Training

College Hall 314

Technology-Mediated, Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning
Ed Dixon, University of Pennsylvania
María Paredes Fernández, University of Pennsylvania
Didem Uca, University of Pennsylvania
Sharifa Usmonova, University of Pennsylvania

In Fall 2018, panelists received training in the application of Task-based Language Teaching to design collaborative and student-centered learning scenarios. Presenters provide 3 examples of TBLT sequences in Uzbek, German and English. The audience will have the opportunity to sample and experience technologies from the sequences (SmartPhones, PollEverywhere, VoiceThread).

A Distance Language Training Program for Graduate Students
Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl, Yale University
David Ortega, Yale University
Ezgi Yalcin, Yale University

In this presentation, we discuss a pilot program which provides training for graduate students in distance language teaching. It offers hands-on practice with a range of synchronous and asynchronous technologies, familiarizes participants with current CALL research, and prepares them with new pedagogical skills through a process of reflective practice.


Video Technology
College Hall 318

Penn Malagasy: Exploring Culture and Language with Video
Travis Aldous, University of Pennsylvania

This presentation will demonstrate how Penn Malagasy students are engaging with target language and culture in the classroom via topical video interviews. The interviews were filmed in Madagascar with a variety of native speakers. Participants will be encouraged to consider how to effectively use video as a source of language and culture in the classroom.

The Columbia Corpus of Spanish Conversations or How to Teach a New Language with Authentic Language
Guadalupe Ruiz Fajardo, Columbia University

We will present a website containing 30 video-recorded natural oral interactions among speakers from the Spanish-speaking world and class activities to teach of conversation in Spanish. It is easily to extrapolate to video recorded natural conversations in platforms like YouTube and to the teaching to any other language.

Voces de Princeton: Practical Uses of an Online Audiovisual Corpus of Spoken Spanish
Catalina Mendez Vallejo, Princeton University
Ben Johnston, Princeton University

This session introduces participants to an ongoing project undertaken by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Princeton University to create a video archive of spoken Spanish at the University. Videos contained in the archive are categorized by topic, and details about the speakers. Accompanying subtitles, transcripts, and glosses highlight phrasal clusters, discourse markers, and important vocabulary.


Teaching Approaches with Technology

College Hall 315A

Teaching Outside the Box: Technology in Flipped Language Classes
Feride Hatiboglu, University of Pennsylvania

This presentation will show how an interactive learning environment can be created with technology for the flipped classroom.

Creative Approaches to Blended Learning Contexts
Luba Iskold, Muhlenberg College
Mirna Trauger, Muhlenberg College

This presentation will examine how sociocultural and constructivist (maker) approaches could be effectively combined to guide the design of dynamic blended environments for language and culture learning. We will share and discuss examples of tasks and tools that we use in our respective Russian and Spanish language courses.

Technology-Enhanced Pedagogy: A Class Blog to Support Developing Critical Language Awareness and to Foster a Positive Reassessment of Spanglish in a Spanish for Heritage Speakers Class
Diana Romero, Columbia University

In this talk, I will share my experience adapting and implementing a collaborative linguistic landscape project in my Spanish for Heritage Speakers class at Columbia University in a hybrid learning environment. The class is focused on developing the students´critical language awareness and empowering them as bilingual citizens. The project was developed both in class and outside of classroom and shared on the class blog.



11:45 AM – 12:45 PM

Effective Uses of Technology for Specific Purposes

College Hall 200

Paris Tales – from Children’s Books to BuzzFeed and Twitter
Sophie Degât-Willis, University of Pennsylvania

After discovering Paris in this global simulation intermediate French course, students share their unique vision of the city with a wider audience. In this final project, they have complete freedom in the choice of format that will best fit their purpose and audience, giving rise to effective uses of technology.

Using Shadowing with Technology Tools in L2 Pronunciation Instruction
Mushi Li, University of Pennsylvania

This presentation proposes a pronunciation instructional technique named “shadowing”, and discusses how it may be incorporated in a second language curriculum using various technology platforms in order to meet individualized pronunciation instructional goals.

TAG Activities in Russian Language and Culture Courses
Molly Peeney, University of Pennsylvania
Maria Alley, University of Pennsylvania

Video-bloggers use “TAGs” to respond to a set of thematically grouped questions. We developed a cluster of TAG-related assignments, including exploratory tasks, listening tasks based on natively produced TAGs, students’ creation of their own TAGs, and a reflection task that is curated in the CMS.


Intercultural Learning

College Hall 314

Streamlining the Class Project to Develop Intercultural Communicative Competence with Technology Tools
Haewon Cho, University of Pennsylvania

This presentation illustrates how to streamline and implement the class project with relevant technology tools such as Google Forms, Google Docs, Google Sites, and video production tools (VoiceThread, iMovie, etc.) in order to further help students develop their language skills and Intercultural Communicative Competence in the third-year Korean class.

Service-Learning Gone Virtual
Christine E. Poteau, Rowan University

This presentation explores three areas: 1) transformative learning and intercultural citizenship, 2) types of virtual service-learning programs in foreign, second, and heritage language courses, and 3) examples of innovative virtual project-based service-learning programs in “Introduction to Spanish Translation” that facilitate intercultural citizenship development and transformative learning.


Technology-Mediated Projects

College Hall 318

Going Beyond Just a Listening Assignment
Eunae Kim, University of Pennsylvania

This program presents a successful development of an online listening assignment that engaged students using video clips and online interactive tools. It shares details of the project, including types of technologies used, video selection and editing process, as well as online tools used to create and distribute the assignment.

Empowering Students to Make Sense of French News Media
Chantal Philippon-Daniel, University of Pennsylvania

This presentation highlights two collaborative projects, aligned with ICC and World-Readiness Standards, drawn from “Contemporary French Society through its Media.” Both assignments, based on print and TV news, help students develop proficiency, cross-cultural understanding and cultural-critical thinking. They also foster learner autonomy, while connecting students with real-world issues.

The Integration of In-and-Outside Classroom Learning Through Canvas: Motivating Students Beyond the Textbook.
Meejeong Song, Cornell University

This presentation will showcase how to integrate the in-and-outside classroom learning using Canvas. Through frequent practices of script writing and acting out, my Elementary Korean students’ confidence and proficiency have improved. Students were better engaged and motivated in conversations beyond the textbook.


Textbook Design I

College Hall 315A

Beyond the Textbook
Angelina Craig-Flórez, Columbia University
Aurora Rodriguez-Collado, Columbia University
Dolores Barbazán-Capeáns, Columbia University
Leyre Alejaldre, Columbia University

In this presentation we will showcase our new hybrid redesign for Spanish Intermediate II. Using course management systems, edblogs, educational learning apps, and a vast array of multimodal texts, we have created a vibrant course that creates a community of inquiry, promotes inclusivity, and provides a true blended-learning experience.

Portuguese Language Materials: Towards a More Inclusive Textbook
Carlos Pio, University of Pennsylvania
Eduardo Viana da Silva, University of Washington

In this Portuguese textbook project, the authors decided to create teaching materials for Portuguese in an open platform (CC BY) and Canvas, available to all students with access to the Internet.

12:45 - 2:30 PM





2:30 – 3:30 PM

Telecollaboration I

College Hall 200

Promoting Intercultural Engagement: Using a Student-as-Ethnographer Approach in a Hong Kong-U.S. Telecollaboration
Carolin Fuchs, Northeastern University

This presentation explores the potential of using a student-as-ethnographer approach in telecollaboration to promote intercultural engagement. The presenter outlines curricular and project parameters, task design and technology, and assignments and assessments. She presents task examples before exploring the implications for and application of this approach to other language learning contexts.

Telecollaboration in a Facebook Group: Affordances, challenges, and student perceptions
Anastasia Izmaylova, Drake University

Telecollaboration is a convenient and effective way to foster the development of learners’ intercultural competence and authentic communication skills. This presentation discusses the use of Facebook as a medium for telecollaboration, its effect on students’ attitudes toward online exchanges, and potential pitfalls of using social media for such projects.

The Cultura Project - Telecollaboration and Intercultural Competence
Sabine Levet, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Initially developed in French at MIT, Cultura has over the past twenty years been a model of telecollaboration between students from different cultures, and has been widely adapted in different languages. This presentation will examine the main features of Cultura, discuss its methodology and the materials, and reflect on lessons learned.

Technology in the Curriculum

College Hall 314

Digitally-Enhanced Teaching and Learning for Language and Culture Teachers and Learners: Reflexive and Reciprocal Feedback
Lillyrose Veneziano Broccia, University of Pennsylvania

Nicholas Berrettini, University of Pennsylvania
Tommaso de Robertis, University of Pennsylvania
Betsy Jane Dougherty, University of Pennsylvania
Samantha Gillen, University of Pennsylvania
Peter Maisano, University of Pennsylvania
Kerry O'Neil, University of Pennsylvania
Mario Sassi, University of Pennsylvania

With the Italian Studies Undergraduate Language and Culture Curriculum as a framework, this panel will focus on how instructors, graduate students, and undergraduates engage in reflective and reciprocal feedback on every aspect of the learning and teaching experiences at the University of Pennsylvania. This panel will offer models based on experiences in Italian Studies that can be adapted to teaching and learning contexts in other languages, cultures, and institutions.


Intercultural and Authentic Language Learning and Communication

College Hall 318

Providing intercultural input through a digital platform to foster meaningful communication
Andrea Faber, Princeton University
Anais Holgado Lage, Princeton University
Adriana Merino, Princeton University
Ben Johnston, Princeton University

This talk explores the use of a digital platform, Aprendo, to expose students to intercultural oral input using videos, podcasts, and unscripted materials. We will discuss technological considerations that allow us to scaffold target language content in order to facilitate comprehension and bring learner awareness to cultural and linguistic phenomena.

Authentic Scenarios with H5P
Shannon Spasova, Michigan State University

Beginning with the novice level, giving learners the opportunity to see how their language skills can be used in the real world is an important element of motivation. In this presentation, H5P, a free application for creating interactive activities, will be presented as a way to provide students with authentic scenarios.



Textbook Design II

College Hall 315A

Ditching the Textbook – Why, How, What and Fantastico!
Daniela Viale, Muhlenberg College

At Muhlenberg College, the Italian faculty embarked in a wide-ranging OER project, which has been transformative from philosophical, pedagogical, technological and financial perspectives. In this presentation, you will learn why we chose this path, how we did it and how it has transformed our teaching.

Developing a Foreign Language Course through Authentic, Online Materials
Peeriya Pongsarigun, University of Pennsylvania

I will discuss problems with textbooks and how I got students to construct their own class based on authentic, online materials. How to make the authentic, online materials relevant to language learning will be elaborated. I will also talk about challenges we face when we run the class.

Current Events for Ethics-Intensive Conversation in French
Robert R. Daniel, Saint Joseph's University

This presentation focuses on a new curricular offering at Saint Joseph's University, an advanced conversation course in French based on current events and intended to develop students' ethical thinking. The audience will see sample materials, exercises and software tools used. It invites discussion and evaluation of teaching challenges and solutions.


3:45 – 4:45 PM

Digital Pedagogy

College Hall 200

Mapping WWII Paris for a History and Culture Course
Mélanie Péron, University of Pennsylvania

This presentation will share the experience of creating a multimedia digital map of Paris during the German Occupation and using it in an advanced French history and culture course. The interactive map served as the keystone of the course: historical resource, backdrop of the semester-long writing project and template for the final cartographic project.

Integrating Digital Tools into the Classroom

Sibel Sayili-Hurley, University of Pennsylvania
Claudia Lynn, University of Pennsylvania

Digital Tools facilitate innovative and collaborative teaching approaches. Grounded in a student-centered DH pedagogy and linked to all 5Cs, DH tools promote learners’ critical engagement with target culture and language, reveal the deep connection between language and culture, and equip learners with transferable skills.


Telecollaboration II

College Hall 314

Enhancing Intercultural Learning through Telecollaborative Photo Exchanges
Angelika Kraemer, Cornell University
Theresa Schenker, Yale University

This presentation introduces a telecollaborative project between U.S. learners of German and German learners of English that focuses on the exchange and discussion of photos taken by the students on given topics. Preliminary research findings are presented, analyzing students’ development of intercultural competence as measured by the intercultural sensitivity scale (Fritz, Möllenberg, & Chen, 2002).

The Interplay of Art, Technology and Language in L2 Classrooms
Celeste Dolores Mann, Drexel University
María de la Luz Matus-Mendoza, Drexel University

Global Classroom matches a Drexel Spanish class with a Pontificia Universidad Católica (PUC)-Chile English class. What happens? Intercultural Awareness? Language development? Confidence? Motivation? Learn about this telecollaboration model, which utilizes teleconferencing, digital language exchange, online journals and mural arts, and be inspired to develop your own intercultural project!



College Hall 318

Time Difference No Longer Matters – An Innovative Way to Create Authentic Collaboration between a Penn Japanese Language Classroom and College Students in Tokyo via VoiceThread
Akiko Barnes, University of Pennsylvania

This interactive presentation will address the key issues such as time difference when it comes to connecting with native speakers via global classrooms and then showcase how the innovative use of Voice Thread enabled asynchronous but effective global collaboration between two countries with 14-hour time difference.

Open that Door! Going Beyond and Outside the Classroom with Technology
Alessandra Saggin, Columbia University

Project carried out with Italian Intermediate students who studied different aspects of Italian culture in New York City. The students left the classroom to engage with the communities and improve their speaking skills. The use of Voicethread tool allowed them to work in a collaborative way and improve their learning autonomy.

Developing speaking exercises with interactive feedback using Voice Thread
Megumu Tamura, University of Pennsylvania

This presentation explores how students’ motivation in an introductory Japanese course is affected by utilizing Voice Thread as a multimedia tool to interact with native speakers of Japanese and also to reflect on their learning. The future application of Voice Thread in designing courses across different levels will also be discussed.


Gamification and Hybrid Environments

College Hall 315A

Developing Chinese Matching Games: from Inception to Completion
Dongdong Chen, Seton Hall University

The presentation demonstrates an experiment that resulted in a set of matching games for beginners of Chinese. It focuses on the process from the inception to the completion of games. Implications will be provided with respect to the role of gaming in teaching and learning of languages.

DILL Mac Language Lab and Hybrid Environments as an Enhanced Platform for Language Acquisition and Teaching Literature
Maria Alessandra Woolson, University of Vermont

This presentation features 3 years of research employing DILL Mac Language Lab, or DILL, as a platform for technology-mediated experiences that support the acquisition of translingual and transcultural competence. In addition to describing Dill’s basic components, this presentation will explain specific tasks this technology can support, including in the areas of audiolingual communications, authentic language immersion and teaching literature- or how to fall in love with reading an authentic text in a foreign language- in a hybrid environment.

Interdisciplinary Instruction: Learning Language through Making
Lusha Li, University of Pennsylvania

This program will offer participants opportunities to do a hands-on work, creating their own paper circuits. Various activities and topics will be addressed like the idea and process of making, teachable moments of the target language and culture, collaborative learning, and connection between making and language learning.



5:00 PM – 5:45 PM

Plenary: Take-a-Poll/What do you think?

Claudia Consolati, University of the Arts; Jessica Greenfield, Oberlin College; and moderators



7:00 PM

OPTIONAL: Dinner at Bernie’s Restaurant & Bar

3432 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104


Sunday, April 7

9:00 – 9:30 AM

College Hall 200



9:30 – 10:30 AM

College Hall 200



Workshop: Teaching Cinema and Media Studies with Technology
Claudia Consolati, University of the Arts

This workshop will be a hands-on demonstration of how technology can be used effectively for teaching film and media studies. We will focus in particular on the innovative use of social media along with visual analysis and creation. The goal will be to empower students to tap into their own creative potential using tools that are available in their day-to-day life.



10:45 – 11:45 AM

College Hall 200



The Transforming Role of LRCs
Jessica Greenfield, Oberlin College
Mike Jones, Swarthmore College
Hope Fitzgerald, University of Virginia

11:45 – 12:30 PM

College Hall 200



How Foreign Language Teachers Can Adapt to Machine Translate
Zizhou Wang, University of Pennsylvania
Ye Tian, University of Pennsylvania

This research exemplifies how to utilize Machine Translation to improve students’ writing proficiency in an intermediate level Chinese course. The result suggests foreign language teachers will not be eliminated by Machine Translation but many of the traditional and rote teaching activities should be replaced by practices associated with newer technology.

Using Virtual Exchanges to Foster Intercultural Learning: A Case Study with Talk Abroad
Ann Warner-Ault, The College of New Jersey

This presentation will discuss a preliminary observational study involving two sections of an intermediate-level Spanish course, utilizing the ACTFL cultural framework to prepare students for online virtual exchanges via Talk Abroad. The presentation will highlight developmental frameworks and online tools available to build language students' cultural self-awareness and prepare them to participate in virtual exchanges.

12:30 PM

College Hall 200


NEALLT Board Meeting (Room 315A)

Optional: Lunch