Section 1: Name
The name of this self-governing organization in the North East Association for Language Learning Technology, hereafter referred to as NEALLT. NEALLT is an official Regional Chapter (made up of the U.S. states of Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) of the International Association for Language Learning Technology, hereafter referred to as IALLT.
Section 2: Purpose
NEALLT, like its parent organization IALLT, is a professional organization working toward the goal of improving language instruction through the use of technology. Its purpose is to promote more effective use and a better under standing of technology-based instruction in language resource centers at all levels of education and training.
Section 3: Membership
Any person or organization sharing the purposes and objectives of NEALLT may become a member upon payment of fees as set up by the NEALLT Board. Full members (those academic members paying dues) have all privileges of membership.
Section 4: Earnings
All earnings are to be used solely to achieve the purposes of the Association and are not to be used for the personal benefit of any member or private person.
Section 5: Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the Association, the Executive Board of Directors shall after paying or making provision for the payment of all the lawful debts and liabilities of the Association, distribute all of the assets of the Association among such non-profit organizations having similar aims and objects as shall qualify as an exempt organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law. The Executive Board shall determine the priorities of distribution.
Section 1: Governance
The determination of policy and the direction of affairs of NEALLT are the responsibility of the Regional Board, whose members are elected and function as described in Section 2. Every member of the Regional Board must be a Full Member in good standing of NEALLT; the President must also be a Member in good standing of IALLT.
Section 2.0: Elected Officers
The officers of the Association who make up the Regional Board are President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 2.1: President
The President presides at all meetings, conducts the business of the Association, and arranges meetings in conjunction with the host institution. The President also serves as liaison with the IALLT Regional Group Coordinator, and represents the region on the IALLT Council.
Section 2.2: Vice President / President Elect
The Vice President presides in the absence of the President and assists with meeting programs and Association business at the direction of the President and Board.
Section 2.3: Treasurer
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial affairs of the Association, including the collection of annual membership dues, payment of all bills, and preparation of financial reports.
Section 2.4: Community Outreach Coordinator
The Community Outreach Coordinator will promote NEALLT’s mission, publicize programming, and reinforce our brand. Amplify the voices of NEALLT members, partners, and other advocates. Increase NEALLT’s presence on social media.
Section 2.5: Additional Officers
The Regional Board may appoint additional officers to be assigned duties as required for terms up to two years.
Section 3: Elected Office Terms
The term of office for the President is two years; the term of office for the Vice President is two years, after which she/he becomes President. The term of office of the Secretary/Treasurer is two years. New officers begin their terms at the conclusion of the Spring Meeting following their election.
Section 4: Elections
The election of officers is the responsibility of the immediate Past President, who solicits names for the ballots, submits a slate to the Regional Board for review, prepares and mails ballots to members, and supervises the counting. Ballots are mailed to all Full Members in good standing at least one month prior to the Fall Meeting and must be returned before the meeting. Results are to be announced at the Spring Meeting.
Section 5: Office Vacancies
Any vacancy, except that of the President, can be filled by appointment by the President. Only an elected Vice President may succeed to the Presidency. An election must be held to replace the President.
Section 1: Meetings and Sites
There is to be at least one meeting each calendar year, to be held at such a time and such a place as the Regional Board decides. Consideration is to be made to rotate the location by state and area within the region. State or sub-regional meetings may also be held at the discretion of the Board and membership.
Section 2: Host Responsibilities
A host institution makes local arrangements for room reservations and other facilities, and provides information on travel and lodging for members.
Section 1: Proposals for Amendments
Proposals for amendments to the Constitution may be submitted to the Regional Board in a petition signed by at least five Full Members in good standing. Any such proposal, with the Board’s recommendation, must be submitted to a vote by the membership. Written notice of changes must be received by members and a written ballot provided.
Section 2: Effective Date
An Amendment to the Constitution becomes effective when it has been approved by no less than two thirds of the ballots returned and counted by the Immediate Past President.